Hi Richard. I'm wrapping up a short documentary film project on an endangered species mural and the last 50-seconds of Montana Mire would be nice musical touch for the end credits. If I decide to use it I will credit you for the music.
Bart (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
Phoenix, Arizona
Glad to be one of the many here moved by your music!
Thank you
Dave R
Chicago, IL
If you ever wonder if you help people, you do. Thanks.
Santa fe, NM USA
I am just discovering your work and currenty listening to the Buddha's In Bagdad from the Disorent album for the sixth time, enjoyed it immensely (so so so good!). Your name goes directly to my Favorite Artists! list and am looking forward to have your music in my life from now on. Thank you Richard
Maribor, Slovenia
Thanks for your music. Real masterpiece! Vesperia Part Three <3
Warsaw, Poland
I have only recently found your compositions; fantastic pieces, all. I find your music to be imaginative and unique - beautiful. I look forward to exploring all you have offered; will be a fantastic listening........ With my deepest regards,
Perry O., Tumbleweed....
Amboy, WA
LOVE your music!
I am a jazz programmer, formerly program director at WCLK Atlanta's Jazz Station (wclk.com).
Where can I get a CD of Ascensionism?
Aaron - Denver, Colorado, USA
Thanks Again Richard for your music. It makes an impression inside. Good vibes!
Bruce - Shirley NY USA
Hey big bone man your a genius and everybody in Oregon loves your music.
Jim - Dundee Oregon USA
Love your music it keeps me focused at work. At home I just enjoy the flow as I go. Thank you for being you and creating such soothing music.
Love you,
N Attleboro
Your stuff makes me terribly happy. I know it may be wrong, you may have a partner or have an orientation that makes you averse to my gender, but I find myself very glad to think about the mind and creative genius that created the music I hear, and I feel highly invigorated in your direction. I can't believe only now I'm learning of your name, because I have certainly heard your works before. So grateful your music is around for companionship during weird times and that you are making music and staying fresh through it all. Thank You!
Starla (also born in Atlanta!)
Cedar Rapids / IOWA / USA
Hey just found out about your genius work! I too I'm a self taught self produced artist! So I have been trying to go through your records chronologically but been having trouble trying to find your early works. Is there anywhere I can find or purchase them? I looked on Amazon but like I said it's more of your later works . Thank you again for your time and contribution to the music world!
George Diaz
Chicago - November 15, 2020
Hey Richard - Hearing your latest LP stuff Empyrean Castles on Sirius XM Spa channel - loving it ! Been a fan of your music since probably the 90's when Forrest at Musical Starstreams played your grooves.
Thank you for your catalog of unique grooves, soundscapes/ambient ryhthm's/textures that's touched my soul and takes me away !!
All the Best.
Christopher Smith
Santa Clarita, CA USA - March 11, 2020
what is light without dark
- February 5, 2020

I have just discovered your music. Love it! I really love the "eternal now" zones 1-6.
clark smith
smyrna ga usa - March 21, 2019

Your music is outstanding!
Dayton - March 4, 2019

Richard Bone. Wow! So good to know you're still around. Hero of Survival records with Tik & Tok and Eddie & Sunshine. Can't wait to catch up on everything you've been doing since those early Survival days!
Steve Fisher
London, UK January 27, 2018

First heard of Bone when I got hold of Vesperia. Lovely. Now I want Finite Plastic Creation. Then more.
Denver, CO, USA January 7, 2018

Nice to be a guest.
Mark Selby
Venice, Florida December 10, 2017

Great site. Can't believe all the work you do. So glad my producer told me about you.
Karen Willough www.bendingwillough.com
Chicago, IL (US) July 31, 2016

Where have you been all my life. You have only 5 years on me and i've been studying composers like you since the early 70's. Actually, I was first introduced to your works by the album "Serene Life of Microbes". Out of all your conceptual album works, that one and "The Ghosts of Hanton Village" hit the spot best for me. While all of your works are wonderful worlds onto themselves, you really seemed to nail the visualizations down on those 2. Best of luck!
Todd West
Tarzana, CA USA- April 9, 2016

your music is so astonishingly sensitive
& emoitionally emotive ~ it just
transports me into a most wondrous realm
of natual peace & receptiveness!!! thank
you for sharing your amazingly genius
nancy pearson
ozona, florida usa- February 9,

Mr. Bone,
I am writing a murder mystery based loosely on an incident that happened not far from my town in VT several years ago. I plan on having it completed in 2015 and making the publisher rounds. I have a fanciful idea it would make a great movie and with that in mind I would love to use your "A Silent Season" as the opening music for the movie. I have listened to this song over and over again as I drove to and from work an hour away. It set the mood and helped me to formulate the book more and more in my
head until I was able to get home and get it all on paper. Of course all of this may pipe-dreaming, but I wanted to tell you how this one song just really set many of the scenes for me; it is simply haunting. If something remarkable does happen and I knock one out of the ballpark, I would love to contact you again to see what you think about using your music and what you would require to do so. Thanks for the inspiration.
PJ Reids
Rochester, VT - August 10, 2014

Hi Richard
I still play your albums, follow your career and think about you over in the States creating your beautiful songs.
Take care old friend.
Hayling Island (UK) - March 18, 2014

I'm listening to "Vertical Life" now--it's awesome--congratulations on this important new piece of work!
Trampas Graham
United States - February 22, 2014

Wow, Iv'e been a fan since the early 90's and I think your music has gotten much better. I have a lot of Bill Nelson, Brian Eno, Richard Barbieri, Amon Tobin, The ORB and many others, but I find your music so much more engaging. It is more than just ambient music, it pulls the listener in. I remember getting an album direct from you a number of years ago and I was pleased to receive a cassette tape of bonus music with the order. Keep on making great sounds!!!!.
Mark D. Sherrod
United States - February 22, 2013

Been following you for years, dear Richard Bone. Such good work, such wonderful journeys. Much love and happiness.
Tom Savarese - Americas #1 Disco DJ
Dewey, AZ - Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hi Richard you knew me as Jim in a past life. Glad to see you are still making music.
Jerry Robertson - Saturday, November 24, 2012

thank you for all your music, i'm a common man who loves to here your music on the radio, thanks again an old hippy!
florissant mo. - Thursday, March 01, 2012
Truly inspiring. "Infinite Plastic Creation" is a work of genius: "You Are Essence" and "Father of Pearl" are especially unforgetable.
Kurt Louis
Rockford, Illinois - Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Hi Richard,
A friend of mine (Seaborn Adamon) and myself saw you guys when (if memory serves) you were an opening act for (I think) Mother's Finest in Atlanta, Ga circa 1979. We loved your music, introduced ourselves, and within the next few days you at a smaller venue where you played (Virginia highlands area) for a few nights. We obtained from you guys copies of your "Pirate the Islands" single. You and the band have long been a fond memory of mine, good to hear some of your newer stuff and start becoming more
familiar with what you have been doing over the years.
Ever been to New Zealand? Seems they (I've been here for a year) have a great appreciation for all genres and have a real art/avant garde scene in Wellington.
Best wishes,
Was Atlanta, GA in 1979 or so, now Wellington, New Zealand - Monday, November 21, 2011
I was a friend of Lari Shox.
Denise Eaton
Orlando, Fl - Wednesday, October 16, 2011
Great WebSite!! And I really love your music too!! Thanks for all you do.........
Micheal Kingsley
Boise, ID - Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I just love Vox Orbita..... I am sure others would too...... Maybe you can add it to the site... Peace, best to you and S
Maine - Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hi Richard! It was so lovely meeting you over the weekend at Athens. Thank you for sharing your passion for your music. I've been listening to it and it's absolutely beautiful! Rhode Island is truly lucky to have a talent like you! I'm looking forward to hearing much more!
Rhode Island - Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wow... Ghosts Of Hanton Village what a great listening experience. I love the different moods encompassed in this album from pleasantly lyrical to wistfully haunting to downright edgy. The emotive impact of this album lingers on well after the music ceased... a masterwork.. thank you.
Thanks also for the Ambient Collection, the tracks from Serene Life Of Microbes are very "more-ish".
Cheers from Australia
Kevin Townsend
Canberra, Australia - Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Where do I start. Dreams and Whispers floored me. The Slumbering Sky had me in a daze. What a brilliant mind. Your music belongs in the heavens with Tomita and Kitaro. Few artists come along with music that rips at you soul as yours does. True brilliance is noticed by only a few while ego steals the soul and fills the newspapers. Kudos
John lovato
Salt Lake City, - Saturday, May 1, 2010
Just wanted to drop you a line to say how pleased I am with your new
CD (Ghosts of Hanton Village). The song A silent Season , is just incredible.
Can't wait to add this CD to my Ipod playlist. Im just glad that I discovered a
cool new artist, keep the creative juices flowing.
With warm regards ...Lou
Crittenden, Kentucky - Sunday, January 23, 2009
"Vesperia" Part Two sounds beautiful, but for a strange reason it has
a stunning resemblances with the Russian folk song "Evening Bells". Is it just a
coincidence? Irene
Saturday, August 22, 2009
blessed am i
to hear this sound.
makes for a better living
while in this flesh i'm bound. kevinwalsh a little house in windsor, pa. - Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I luv ur ablum and i think it would good if we can have it in
Adeyemi oluwafemi
Nigeria - Sunday, January 11, 2008
Congratulations on your newest recording "Sudden Departure" to be
featured on Star's End Radio broadcast. You have come a long way since the
"Yellow Hotel" days which I still hold close to my heart. You are an amazing
musical artist.
Martin A
Miami, Fla - Friday, December 5, 2008 at 13:26:22 (MDT)
HEY, your song "Unknown Waters" was featured this week on HOS.COM (Hearts of Space) on a program called "INFINITE LOOPS"
Just letting you know
Dave From NY (NOT NYC)
NY (NOT NYC) Dutchess County NY - Friday, October 10, 2008 at 20:30:20 (MDT)
Hello Richard!
So glad to be reconnecting with you! Katrina took all of your music away from me but now I am rebuilding my collection and BONE is at the top of my list! Can't wait to hear it all again!
Peace, Markyd
Mark Damico
New Orleans, LA - Monday, September 15, 2008 at 16:08:24 (MDT)
hey richard, i just came across your site! hope all's well with you...i
just took a little ride down the shox memory lane.
marilyn Freeman
olympia & oysterville - Saturday, August 23, 2008 at
23:47:19 (MDT)
I just caught some of your music......Very nice! My husband was also
born February 3, 1952. Isn't that odd? He's been a drummer, playing in bands
since the age of 14. It must have been something in the air that day!
Longmont, Colorado - Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 21:02:34 (MDT)
I just about spit out my drink when I heard Stephen Hill announce that as part
of a recent Hearts of Space broadcast, they would have "space music by Rhode
Island electronic musician Richard Bone"... I never expected to hear a local
artist on the broadcast... kudos!
Rhode Island - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 11:30:18 (MDT)
I allways love to find new ambient artists, but to find a good one is hard. Your
music is admirable Richard. I`m allready a fan :) Thumbs up.
Norway - Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 10:39:12 (MDT)
I just found your website after many years away from it. I am very impressed
with the evolution of your music. I remember back in the 70's when the only song
of yours I liked was "Pirate the Islands". I still have it here somewhere on a
45 Record. It seems our taste in music has finally in sync. Congrats on all
your awards and accomplishments.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 16:55:45 (MDT)
Congrats on your NAR win - its an honor to be able to make music with you!
Now where's MY poster???
Jeff Oster
Alameda, CA. - Monday, March 10, 2008 at 03:34:35 (MDT)
Being a poet ,one appreciates the endevor to master there craft ,yours being
music. May we never fully know our greatness for there in lyes our demise. Keep
reaching up with great force and always land softly . Your Sir are an inspired
and gifted musician.
New Jersey - Monday, January 21, 2008 at 11:47:59 (MDT)
Richard, I came here.. And I will get your I.P.C. CD to check. Still
listening at times to the incomparable Live at The Peppermint Lounge as I told
you. Thanks for the nice contact, and hope to keep in ear touch.
Kindest Regards,
France - Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 08:25:06 (MDT)
Hey, thanks for posting the Bit'a Sweet video and song Out of Sight,
Out of Mind. I am married to the bass player Mitchell London and he was
thrilled to see this. He will probably contact you soon to ask you some
questions. Thanks!!!
P London
Florida - Monday, December 31, 2007 at 15:48:00 (MDT)
Hey, My Jig Saw Heart is my favorite song ever, thank you.
Cypress, TX - Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 02:51:43 (MDT)
so there so many years that i m looking the song Alien girl and now i
ve fonded it on the net thank you for this flexypop musik i like it so much and
the clip of alien girl is so great for this time bye ! Is there a cd album with
alien girl and what s his name? thank s a lot
troyes france - Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 10:29:04 (CDT)
Richard; I enjoyed chatting w/ you that one day about 2~years ago thru
email, ...You said your native ground was Savannah, Ga. ...I'm from Cedartown,
I'm still enjoying Spectral Ships {astrea & all others there.}
Any plans to do another Spectral Ships {Nocturna
~Astrea~type(s} theme?
(just pure synth & no precussion)?
Stay Safe.
Polk Co. (N.W.Ga.30125) - Sunday, November 04, 2007 at 00:46:05 (CDT)
Just heard your work for the first time on Hearts Of Space's latest
program (#816: Borderlands), best ambient music I've heard in ages. Nice site,
keep up the interesting work. (I make visual & audial work in a similar vein, I
can send you a collection through the (snail)mail if you're interested...)
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 18:48:31 (CDT)
some really fantastic stuff you have created! i love the nyc demos from 81-82.
keep it analog :]
chicago usa - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 11:45:05 (CDT)
Hey..are we related?? My name is Mark, my Dad's name is Tommy Bone and my
grandfather's name was Price Bone...from Mabelton GA
Mark Bone
Cartersville GA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 17:40:19 (CDT)
I was just sitting here in my office listening to satellite radio. I had
to find out the name of this amazing song that was playing.....Vagabond
Messiah.....was twice as pleased when I realized it was
Bob Cribari
Cranston, Rhode Island - Friday, January 26, 2007 at 13:05:36 (CDT)
I found BONEmusic while
listening to "Hearts of Space" #568, where I was mesmerized by "The Continuing
Adventures of Jet Swami." Wow. Incredible
Falls, Oregon - Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 05:08:18
am6 on distillation. i also love the
kansas city
July 25, 2006 at 13:22:09
Jasminia is such
a beautiful track, thank you.
Middlesbrough, UK - Saturday, April 01, 2006 at 11:39:41
just heard ya for the
first time tonite on the university of memphis jazz station. a selection
from the alternate realities. righteous
March 24, 2006 at
my personal favorite, great for late night listening.
A. Smeltzer
IN -
February 12, 2006 at
Richard, I LOVE your
music! Listening to it awakens this surreal, tranquil world within
me. It's very therapeutical! I've only listened to clips of your
music but it is my full intention to buy your cds. Keep up the awesome
MT - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at
Lovely website.
I have just ordered my first RB album. So looking forward to hearing your
Kind regards
UK -
09, 2005 at
Richard, I really
admired your work with Rubber Rodeo. I still Love Rubber Rodeo! My life would
not have been the same without them! Now, if I could only get in touch with
Bob and Trish. All my very best.
Paul Jancsik
Show Low,
September 25, 2005 at 10:01:09 (CDT)
Loved the Site!!
Thanks for the time and energy you put into
John Renner
Phoenix - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 15:40:45 (CDT)
I wish you a happy new
Sweden - Monday, January 03, 2005 at 08:30:42 (CDT)
Richard, I received Tales
From The Incantina in the mail yesterday. I put on the headphones and, when
it began to play, spontaneously lay down. I was TRANSPORTED to....Beriah?!?
I was so taken with this recording, I got online and ordered The Spectral
Ships and Ether Dome before it finished playing. An artistic touch likes
yours is a real treasure - THANK YOU!!
Kevin L.
Normal, Illinois USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 at 22:30:09 (CDT)
Richard.....I didn't
even know you had songs on Acid Planet. I will have to check out your AP
page when I get home. It is an honor to be on the same site AP with you because
I am a fan of your music.
Jon Fryett
Blanchard, OK USA - Tuesday, November 09, 2004 at 11:10:57 (CDT)
I find Richard has written
a requiem for my youth, a perfect ending to a stirring and memorable part
of my life. The Reality Temples is a visit to that wonderful time when it
was all new, all special. It rings in my soul even now.
Dan Dille
Vancouver, WA - Monday, July 26, 2004 at 12:02:54 (CDT)
Richard, just found your
site and loved the music... Will definately point others to it, and visit
again when I have more time. Keep following your dream buddy. You music is
a gift to us all.
Tom Nichols
Falls Church, Virginia - Monday, June 28, 2004 at 08:06:54 (CDT)
Richard, I just spent
some time on your site. Your new stuff sounds great. When are you going to
"play" NYC again? All is well. Trish and Gary say hi!
Bob Holmes
NYC - Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 01:25:06 (CDT)
I LOVE your work! Your
gift is such a great contribution....Bless you and Thank You
Kathryn Kross
The Great Smokey Mountains of East Tennessee - Tuesday, January 13, 2004
at 08:28:49 (CDT)
Hi Richard! Thanks for
your music, i have loved your records since 79, from the early Rumble Records
- to you sign Survival! I´m glad to listen to this as, it gives
me such pleasure! One of my favorite is EMERGING MELODIES!
Janne Slätth
sweden - Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 01:15:08 (CDT)
I've been listening to
this "genre" for over 20 years, before it was cool or even called ambient,
etc. Love your music! The ethereal the better!!!
Keep making great soundscapes for the soul!
Jamie Gallegher
Minneapolis, Minnesota via Missoula, Montana - Thursday, November 20, 2003
at 21:17:54 (CDT)
Dear Richard,
I am Cameron's mom and I have been enjoying your music for some time now...the
"heart" that you put into your sounds comes through loud and clear. It is
exciting that you are published on the Spiralight label, certainly enriching
their offerings with your talent and Heart. Please come to visit sometime...we
would love to have you.
Joan Limbrick :)
Fredericksburg, Virginia - Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 09:50:09 (CDT)
I've heard a few of your
songs on synerdata.com's stream, and I really like them.
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 23:42:07 (CDT)
I enjoyed playing your
CD last nite on the Tunnel located at
www.kser.orgon Friday nites 10-1am.
Rob Emery
Everett,WA - Saturday, November 01, 2003 at 11:47:29 (CDT)
I kept hearing this
unbelievable sound on my NEW AGE channel on my digital cable. When I looked,
I saw that it was your piece JHANA from Acensionism. It's 'uncanny' I'm very
moved by the piece. I would do almost anything to get my hands on that CD,
but don't know where to find it.
Rick Crooks
Encinitas, Calif usa - Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 14:58:55 (CDT)
I fell in love with your
"Disorient" and now just heard your latest work in "alternate realities"...I
had to submit my preorder of your CD....love the smooth & hipnotic
rythyms....music for the soul! Best of luck with your new CD, it's truly
a beautiful piece of work Richard...Thank you!
Wakefield, MA USA - Sunday, August 03, 2003 at 22:23:10 (CDT)
I can see why people
are talking about your websites. This is a masterful piece of work, beautiful
and workable. Until now, I had not heard of Richard Bone, but you can bet
I will be listening in the future. The titles are intriguing enough by
themselves, and his musical history demands that I pay closer attention.
Vancouver, Wa. U.S.of A - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 10:46:53 (CDT)
Love the music. Blur
being my favorite diddy from 1993. Twisted, fun, and soothing. Nice combo.
scott montgomery
chicago, illinois usa - Monday, May 19, 2003 at 11:48:44 (CDT)
hi richard, i am desperately
looking for your earlier stuff (joy of radiation,digital days etc.). i wish
myself a cd with all songs from 79-84!! maybe you think about it..
a german fan
frankfurt germany - Sunday, March 02, 2003 at 19:15:40 (CST)
Wow I wish I could get
some of your stuff from the early to mid Eighties, is any of it still available?
it reminds me of a great period in my life
Will Eiland
Indianapolis IN USA - Saturday, March 01, 2003 at 00:24:16 (CST)
I am in the process of
collecting as much of your music as I can! You have a very wide audience...my
mom is 75 years old and COXA is her favorite cool jazz album of the past
50 years. Keep on doing what you do best.
Deb H-J
East Tennessee USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 19:52:40 (CST)
Hi Richard, i`m 51 brazilian
carioca`s guy, lover of smooth jazz and some new age and world music. I became
very impressioned with your music: very bizar and mistic music. Your sound
likes sounds of strange and unknow distant worlds. Very impressionant. When
you would like to go to Brazil? Be my guest!
"Forgiven my english, please."
Luck Studart
Brasilia Brasil - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 21:28:18 (CST)
I've been going steady
with "Disorient" and "Tales From The Incantina" for months now...Just discovered
"Coxa" and can't get over the beauty, the coolness and the intimacy of this
amazing recording. Brilliant stuff!
Ken Harris
The Beautiful Hudson Valley of New York USA - Thursday, October 03, 2002
at 23:10:34 (CDT)
Nice, well organized
website. Could write a book about experiences there in the Biography. Looking
forward to listening to your music. Keep up the good work :)
Toronto Canada - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 13:06:11 (CDT)
I was just checking the
site for updates and was very pleased to see the link to Rubber Rodeo. Thanks
for the memories and the updates about Bob and Trish, et.al.
Steve Larkin
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 18:22:55 (CDT)
Saw your CD review in
Keyboard magazine (Disorient, May 2002) - cool site, great sounds.
Richard Wintle
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 13:53:27 (CDT)
glad to have made the
visit well worth the listening thanks
henry shaffer
Bridgewater, MA 02324 USA - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 16:46:06 (CDT)
Marleen: Nice site! We'll
be keeping our eyes open for any more Bone related obscurities you can add
to the archives!
Toronto Canada - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 18:12:28 (CST)
I love your songs
like:Playsix,and lot others on your Coxa release,I can't wait to listen to
your new songs from your latest release,God bless you!!!
Burleson,Texas USA - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 22:57:55 (CST)
saying hello from your
own computer---
ray galas
new england usa - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 17:04:57 (CST)
Hi Marlene & Richard
thanx for a great informative site; and Richard thanx for marvellous music.
Keep it coming!
Ireland - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 12:07:05 (CST)
Great web site !!!!!!!!
Anfrando Maiola
the real Koto still alive
parma Italy - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 12:50:47 (CST)
You have provided futher inspiration to me in the way your website is set
up. Factual and quite simply excellent!
In the 1980's, as you know Richard was signed to Survival Records. 2002 marks
Survivals 21st Birthday. Wouldn't it be great to see some of that material
from then, released on a celebratory CD from Survival. Watch this space.
Martin Oxenham
Wiltshire UK - Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 08:16:59 (CST)
Hi Marleen!
Just stopped by to visit your website! You've done a great job! I'll let
you know if I find some more early material!
All the best!
Ulf Johansson
Linkoping Sweden - Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 16:25:05 (CDT)
Such a beautiful website!
Your aesthetic presentation of content, attention to detail and devotion
to your artist's music are all quite exceptional! Please email me if you
would at (email removed). I would love to talk with you about it.
Allen Peterson
NV US - Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 20:36:55 (CDT)
Hello Marleen, I think
you are doing a wonderful job of maintaining this website for Richard.
He is truly a Musician Extraordinaire. I've known that since I first met
him back in 1979, and am proud, to this day, to consider him one of my best
and closest friends. (But who knows what tomorrow will bring?) (LOL) . .
. . . One of the great joys of my life has been getting that man to laugh.
To me it's a sound atleast as good as his music. Both of you, keep up the
good work.
:) Bill P.
Bill Pimm
Brooklyn, N.Y. U.S. - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 11:40:07 (CDT)
Rhea Cary
San Diego, Calif. U.S.A. - Wednesday, August 08, 2001 at 00:37:01 (CDT)
Allways a pleasure to
play your fine music in my radio show!
Thank you for your trust and support.
ronald boortman, host of Sound Soundings radioshow.
Ronald Boortman
Rotterdam Holland - Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 15:40:54 (CDT)
I like all of it and
I'll keep buying it.
David M. Storandt
Clayton, NY USA - Monday, June 25, 2001 at 10:39:09 (CDT)
Nice site..... Great
Richard Gehringer
MI US - Monday, June 11, 2001 at 21:04:18 (CDT)
Gee, my name is Richard, too! I've been a HUGE fan of your music since 1975.
I just turned 53 (God) and you still send chills up my spine. Keep up the
amazing work.
Richard Kennedy Murphy
Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA - Tuesday, June 05, 2001 at 08:08:07 (CDT)
it's amazing to listen
to how your music has evolved since i first talked to you over seven years
ago! what depth and texture have evolved! even though i haven't spoken to
you in several years, i have remained a loyal fan.
i have never stopped believing in you.
if you recall, you thanked me for doing that when you autographed your "AMBIENTO"
cd all those years ago........................peace, markyd
mark damico
new orleans, la usa - Friday, May 18, 2001 at 21:39:01 (CDT)
Man this site kicks some
serious ass!
James Ellis
Phoenix AZ - Thursday, May 03, 2001 at 12:05:57 (CDT)
Just keep making great
music and I'll keep buying it! Best wishes!
Greg Gosselin
Nashville, TN USA - Sunday, April 29, 2001 at 00:06:05 (CDT)
Hello Richard my name
is Richard churchward I live in the UK just out side Oxford I couldn’t
believe it when I found your site I have several of your 12” singles
but I was never able to find any LP,s I am all so a big Gary Numan fan I
run a site called numanme I’ve just linked your site to it if that is
ok with you, I’ve found your site I will be catching up on all the new
stuff brilliant cant wait to tell all my friends ..
Richard at numanme
UK UK - Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 16:15:01 (CDT)
I don't know what's cooler
- Richard's music or Marleen's site! Both of you rock the house!
Just wanted to say Hi and wish you the best, Marleen. And Richard, you know
I love you!
Bill Binkelman
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA - Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 14:42:57 (CST)
Words aren't enough to
describe your flawless ambient textures.
Travis L. Fernandez
Keshena, Wi USA - Monday, February 05, 2001 at 20:24:05 (CST)
Tres chic!
Mary Zema
Warwick, R.I. U.S.A. - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 17:59:30 (CST)
I also collect everything
by Richard Bone, Bruce Haack...please send mail. thanxxx. bone 4ever!
bernhard pinter
mp3.lion.cc austria - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 07:07:11 (CST)
The Ether Dome was dreamy
Keep it lucid. Thanks
Michael Pena
TEXAS USA - Friday, January 12, 2001 at 11:43:00 (CST)
Finally, there's your
home page I find! I saw where my cd vox orbita might be located at and I'm
very happy and sent in a messege to see if they still have a copy left! I
also like your coxa cd! I got a copy of that as well! But your 1995 cd still
on the best of all time in my list! Track 3 is one of top songs on my top
ten list! And where's that picture comming from with you on the stairs(circular
type) and people standing beneath looking over something! It's on I think
the color photos! Take care buddy! Your jazz, soul & ambient mix very
well if you ask me! I'm still currently out of state working but will be
visiting home again soon!
NEW YORK AMERICA - Friday, January 05, 2001 at 16:49:18 (CST)
Thanks for carving a
path for the rest of us to follow! I love your balance between piano and
the "rest of the world of instrumentation."
Kenny Kleinpeter
Louisiana USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 17:20:39 (CST)
I have just been introduced
to napster and through good luck found your page. I was the high singer on
"Partytown". Recorded at Pineapple Studios in London, was it really all those
years ago. I 'll get round to hearing your new work soon. I'm so pleased
to have found this.
My best wishes to you
Mark Zaeger.
West Yorkshire England - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 10:30:07 (CST)
Wonderful site, much
better than from Hypnos! Many thanks from Belarus!
As in song: "From Russia with Love!"
Andrew Pechkarou
Belarus Republic of Belarus/Eastern Europe - Thursday, November 30, 2000
at 15:04:47 (CST)
Hey Marleen!
I saw your list posting and thought I'd stop by and see what new things you've
done since my last visit. As always, I'm impressed! Boy you sure were right
in predicting the success of Ascensionism - It's every bit as cool as Coxa
- maybe more! Thanks for your recommendations!
NJ US - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 13:53:35 (CST)
I was jazzed to receive
your personal email acknowledging my appreciation of your hypnotically seductive
album "Ether Dome." As a record producer and musician myself I have a lot
of respect for the technical mastery in your mix as well as for the sheer
pleasure of the album's concept and the overall effect that your music inspires.
The "Star Trek" flavored track called "The Letheon Men" simply KICKS! Thanks
for some really good grooves.
Kathleen "KAT" Nelson, PhD
California USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 09:22:36 (CST)
Beautiful site with lots
of useful information, many thanks Marleen!!
Aharon Segal
Israel - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 08:29:31 (CDT)
WOW!!! Your site looks
Great!! ...hope all is well with you and yours.
later, brannan
TN USA - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 17:22:42 (CDT)
Ah - I almost forgot
to mention: I shall be looking forward to "TALES FROM THE INCANTINA" - this
sounds like a *very* interesting concept! :)
Michael Briel
Germany - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 04:05:41 (CDT)
Up, up and away! Cool
page with interesting content!
Michael Briel
Germany - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 11:36:56 (CDT)
great site, marleen.
i will be forever grateful to you for having the courage and foresight to
be the first to "publish" my writing!
you are indeed a peach!
jim brenholts
pennsylvania usa - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 10:00:58 (CDT)
Ever Upwards!
Stephen Evangelista
- Friday, August 25, 2000 at 17:22:51 (CDT)
Great informative site
you've got going here! I just spent the last hour listening to audio, reading
reviews, bio etc. I'm glad to find Amazon taking early orders and ordered
Ascensionism and Distillations to go with my 2 other Bone discs. Your sound
bytes are very intriguing! I wish you had clips of Quirkwork and the other
early disc if they are in any way similar to the COOL MAN COOL! Electropica
and Coxa. (Dont care much for the darker stuff). Anywayzzz - Great job on
your website! JJ
Aurora, CO - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 10:43:11 (CDT)
WOW, just got the new
release: "ASCENSIONISM". It will undoubtedly become a collectable. Kudos
to his unyielding talent for evolution and precision !! I want more, please...
J. D. B.
Rhode Island U.S.A. - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 18:38:49 (CDT)
Hi Marleen, just dropped
by to say hi and check out your great site.. As always I'm a big fan of RB..Keep
up the good work!..Dee.
Dino Pacifici
Quebec Canada - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 11:03:29 (CDT)
Great easy to surf and
read WEBsite. Cant wait for the radio promo copy!! Richard's music always
gets good airplay here at WVKR.
www.wvkr.fm.netAll the Best, PB
Pat Brent Host/Prod WVKR 91.3 Pough. N.Y.
Pa. USA - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 06:35:07 (CDT)
Nice site!
Laurie Jones
Maine - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 15:22:20 (CDT)
This is a very nice and
pleasant web site. It is very easy to navigate and contains a lot of interesting
information. I think that any person who has seen this site will surely want
to hear Richard Bone's music - because the site reflects this music very
Serge Kozlovsky
Minsk Belarus - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 08:44:37 (CDT)
Hey! Nice pages here
- really informative. Great disc pages and sound samples. KILLER photos too.
Coxa is so COOL -
NJ - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 23:38:21 (CDT)
I bought that shox lumania
tape years ago and I was impressed with the quality of the headgear at the
London UK - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 18:38:11 (CDT)